We welcome you, dear friends, to our website churchofbible.com! First of all, we would like to speak of the foundation of our faith.

We believe that the Bible in its entirety is a God-inspired Book. Only the Word of God – the Bible, is capable of entirely and sufficiently explaining the purpose of the existence of this world and man in it, giving hope to the desperate, and teaching us to practically please God in any situation. This is why the Word of God is the foundation of our faith, and our primary purpose is to study the Bible.

Our church is located in the small town of Harrisonburg, Virginia in the eastern US. It is a very picturesque place with beautiful scenery and a wonderful mild climate. But, as it is known, most important is the climate in the heart and soul of a person…

In these last days, it is noticeable how the condition in churches is literally going from cold to freezing, although from the outward appearance everything is fine: the church building is paid for, there are numerous conferences, deep sermons, and a tranquil life mostly without persecution… But at the same time, divorces in churches are becoming more common, sin is openly reigning in the lives of many Christians, and the youth is fearlessly going into the world.

That is why we have chosen the Presence of God as the main goal of our church. Because if God is present in the heart, family, and church, then peace, serenity, and harmony will come there for sure.

In our opinion, only the Presence of God can revive our hearts, weak in faith; can protect us and our children from the destructive influence of this world; and can direct our lives in the direction pleasing to God.

But God, being everywhere, is by far not everywhere with His Presence… Only by our personal desire and only on God’s terms can the church, and each individual, prepare a place where God will abide.

1 Thessalonians 4:3 “For this is the will of God, even your sanctification…”

2 Corinthians 6:17 “Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing, and I will receive you.”

Therefore, we agreed to make sanctification the number one priority in our lives.

We consider that Christ is not only deep in the heart of the believer, but He is also in the believer’s outward appearance, words, and deeds.

Knowing what is precious to God as well as what God does not love, we strive to show modesty, purity, and godly fear both in the church and outside of it.

Next, all the parents in our church agreed that we must bear the responsibility for what God had entrusted to us… His heritage – our children. We are convinced that parents are responsible for the upbringing and education of their children, and that the Church and school aid in that. For this reason our children do not attend public schools.

Our children are that only thing, besides our personalities, that we can take into eternity.

This is why we agreed in the church that all our children, without exceptions, must be educated in conservative, Christian schools.

Some families in our church prefer homeschooling. Of course, that is not easy, but how else can they protect the heritage of God?

Understanding the complexity of the financial aspect of this matter, the church decided to provide financial support for each student, beginning from preschool.

Moreover, we have gone even further in the education of our children. Preparing them for a Christian adult life, we agreed to participate in their musical education, believing that being involved in music not only helps the child to develop properly and not to waste time, but also helps him to be useful in the church and bring glory to God through singing and playing musical instruments. For this, the church organized two orchestras and individual music lessons. Almost all our children play and sing.

Our services are conducted mostly in Russian, although sometimes the younger brothers also preach in English.

We clearly understand that only when each of us will strive to have the Presence of God in our own heart and life, only then will everyone in the church be satisfied.

Of course, we have problems and shortcomings, but it is a great consolation to know that we are on the correct path, and that He who amazingly loves every person and whom we learn to love, is present among us.

The confession of our faith is expressed in the IUC ECB doctrine, and our position is expressed in the IUC ECB and our church’s guidebook.

We are united through the ministry of the IUC ECB.

We are very pleased that you have visited our website.

For more information, or if you have any questions, please contact us through the following phone numbers:

812-893-1385 Vladimir Uvarov.

540-209-4489 Alexander Brover.

We will be happy to hear from you!